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Online Games and Toys.

Reviews. CKDS on XBox Live. Cheats.

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Toys and Fun Stuff.


Test your pool skills with this full colour online game.


Love Test

Are you and your partner compatible, find out with this fun toy.

Tower Of Hanoi.

The object of it is to move all the discs from one post to another by only placing the smaller ones on top of the bigger ones with each move.


What more needs to be said about this classic game!. Play this great game against the computer, By Jason Hotchkiss.

The count Game.

The object is to stop the number counting between 98 and 100. This is harder than it looks.

Dynamic Puzzle

An awesome dynamic game from the Dynamic Duo which shuffles two pictures into pieces which you have to put back in order.

Black Jack.

Do I need to explain it?


Play this classic arcade game on your desktop.


A classic 2D shoot 'em up.

Tic Tac Toe.

Noughts and cross's

Da Bomb.

Try to find the bomb.

Lets Race.

A PC emulation of the classic arcade racing game.

The Maze

A Dos Type maze game.